
These rules regulate the use of the Internet Portal '' (hereinafter, the or this 'Portal') that Artynnova Repostería, SL makes available free of charge to Internet users. The use of the Portal expresses the user's acceptance of each and every one of the rules that follow, so the user must read them every time he intends to use the Portal.

The request for information on certain services involves the collection of personal data. The legal information corresponding to the obtaining of personal data is found in the Privacy Policy.

Artynnova Repostería, SL reserves the right to make any changes it considers appropriate in the presentation, configuration, services, elements, contents or conditions required to use the Portal without prior notice.


All industrial and intellectual property rights of the Portal and its elements and contents, whatever their type, belong to Artynnova Repostería, SL or, if applicable, to third parties. The user may view such elements and contents and even print, copy and store them in the hard disk of his/her computer or in any other physical support, as long as it is only and exclusively for his/her personal and private use. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to use them for commercial purposes, to distribute them, as well as to modify, alter or decompile them.

The user will use the elements or contents in a diligent, correct and licit manner and, in particular, agrees to abstain from

Using them in a way, for purposes or effects contrary to the law, morality and generally accepted good customs or public order.

Reproduce, transform, modify, distribute or allow public access through any form of public communication, unless authorized by Artynnova Repostería, SL

Deleting, eluding or manipulating the 'Copyright' and other data identifying the rights of Artynnova Repostería, SL or third parties incorporated into the elements.

Access to the Portal

Access to the Portal is free; however, Artynnova Repostería, SL reserves some of the Services offered through the Portal to registered users of Artynnova Repostería, SL. However, Artynnova Repostería, SL makes available to users certain services whose use requires the completion of additional records by users. In both cases you agree to use and keep your user name and password (hereinafter and jointly the 'Access Keys') in accordance with the following points:

The Access Keys will be automatically assigned by Artynnova Repostería, SL The assignment of Access Keys occurs automatically and the only criterion used for this purpose is the inexistence of previous Access Keys that are identical to those chosen by the user.

The user undertakes to make diligent use of the Access Keys, as well as not to make his Access Keys available to third parties.

The user undertakes to inform Artynnova Repostería, SL as soon as possible about the loss or theft of the Access Keys as well as any risk of access to them by a third party.


The user agrees to make appropriate use of the contents and services offered through this Portal and not to use them for:

incur in illicit, illegal activities or contrary to good faith and public order.

to disseminate contents or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic or illegal nature, or to defend terrorism or to violate human rights.

provoke damages in physical and logical systems of Artynnova Repostería, SL, its suppliers or third parties, introduce or spread in the network computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that may provoke the above mentioned damages.

try to access and, if necessary, use other users' e-mail accounts or personal services and modify or manipulate their messages or contents.

Spamming or sending unsolicited e-mail through this Portal.

make any other use that in any way may damage, disable, overload or deteriorate the Portal or services or prevent the normal use or enjoyment of the Portal or services by users.

Artynnova Repostería, SL has no obligation to control and does not control the use that users make of the Portal, services and contents. Artynnova Repostería, SL excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may result from the use of services and content by users.

The user shall be responsible for any infringement that may be incurred or damages caused by its use, exonerating Artynnova Repostería, SL from any responsibility and assuming all expenses that may be incurred by Artynnova Repostería, SL for third party claims.

Links, Hyperlinks and MetaTags

This Portal makes available to users technical link devices (links, banners, buttons), directories and search tools that allow users to access websites belonging to third parties. The sole purpose of these links is to facilitate users' access to other content and information available on the Internet. Artynnova Repostería, SL, does not become an editor of such contents nor does it previously control, approve, monitor or make them its own. The user, therefore, must be extremely careful when evaluating and using the information, contents and services existing in the linked sites. Artynnova Repostería, SL does not assume any responsibility for damages of any kind that may arise from the quality, reliability, accuracy, correctness, operation, availability, accessibility, continuity, legality, usefulness or any other aspect of the information and services of such contents.

It is forbidden to use the brands or names owned by Artynnova Repostería, SL for the optimization of the search engines on the net, both by incorporating them into the code of the web pages and by including them in the keywords of the banners.

Any third party that intends to make a hyperlink or hyperlink to this Portal must have prior authorization from Artynnova Repostería, SL. In any case, the establishment of the Hyperlink does not imply the existence of any relationship between Artynnova Repostería, SL and the owner of the Web page from which it proceeds.

Exclusions of Responsibilities and Guarantees

Artynnova Repostería, SL does not guarantee:

The availability and continuity of the operation of the Portal and services.

Privacy and security in the use of the Portal and Services.

That unauthorized third parties may not have knowledge of the type, conditions, characteristics and circumstances of the use that users make of the Website and the services.

The absence of viruses or other elements in the Portal that may cause alterations in its computer system, excluding any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to such lack of availability.

The legality, reliability and usefulness of the elements and contents.

Artynnova Repostería, SL excludes any liability that may arise from such circumstances.

Withdrawal of access

Artynnova Repostería, SL reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the Portal and/or Services, at any time and without prior notice to those users who do not comply with these rules.

General Information

In compliance with the provisions of Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, general information regarding Artynnova Repostería, SL is made available to the Users:

Artynnova Confectionery, SL

CIF: B91708826

Polígono Industrial La Chaparrilla; parcela 38 - nave 3, 41016 Sevilla

Telephone: (+34) 954 440 855

Fax: (+34) 954 440 855

Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Seville, Volume 4807, Sheet 76709, Page 1

Law and Jurisdiction

The laws of the Kingdom of Spain apply. The interpretation of the rules is entrusted to the Courts of the City of Seville.


In the event that any third party considers that there are facts or circumstances that are illicit or likely to be considered illicit, please inform the following e-mail:

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